Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Lagu

Salah satu cara belajar bahasa inggris yang sering dianjurkan sejak dulu adalah dengan mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris, saya yakin tentunya BBIM Friends telah melakukan hal ini sebelumnya, dan itu sangat baik untuk melatih pendengaran kita supaya terbiasa dengan kata-kata berbahasa Inggris, selain dari film atau audio pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang banyak beredar.

Dengan mendengarkan sebuah lagu kita akan mendapatkan manfaat sebagai berikut :
  1. Mengetahui bagaimana sebuah kata diucapkan oleh pelafal aslinya dengan benar, meskipun sebagai pengguna bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa kedua saya berpendapat bahwa kita tidak perlu terlalu menekankan cara berbicara yang persis seperti pengguna bahasa ini di negara asalnya. Seperti orang Singapura, Thailand, atau India dan Malaysia yang mempunyai dialek khas dalam bahasa Inggris. Sedangkan di Indonesia kebanyakan berusaha keras untuk berlidah Inggris sehingga hal ini akan mengurangi kepercayaan diri ketika mulai berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. 
  2. Menambah perbendaharaan kata dengan mudah, serta mudah mengingatnya karena sebuah melodi lebih mudah dihafal daripada kata-kata biasa.
  3. Mengetahui istilah-istilah yang kadang-kadang tidak ditemui dalam bentuk baku.
  4. Membiasakan telinga kita untuk mendengar dalam bahasa ini.
  5. Mendengarkan sebuah lagu akan menaikkan mood dan produktifitas kita lebih tinggi.
  6. Mendengarkan sebuah lagu akan memicu inspirasi dan kreatifitas untuk menghasilkan hal-hal baru.
Untuk memudahkan BBIM Friends mendapatkan lirik lagu serta mendengarkan lagunya secara langsung, telah saya sediakan sebuah blog yang berisi lirik lagu manca negara disertai widget streamingnya sehingga BBIM Friend tinggal pencet tombol "play"nya untuk mendengarkan. Untuk linknya bisa diklik pada halaman "Song Lyrics" di bagian atas atau bisa klik langsung di sini : "My Lyrics Collection"

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Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Selfie - kata ke 2013 dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris Oxford

Perkembangan gadget berkamera memungkinkan seseorang memotret dirinya sendiri di manapun dan kapanpun dalam situasi apapun. Perilaku ini di Indonesia sering disebut dengan foto narsis, sedangkan dalam bahasa Inggris, perilaku ini disebut dengan "Selfie".

Menurut Direktur redaksi kamus Bahasa Inggris Oxford Judy Pearsall, kata "selfie" pertama kali diposting pada bulan September 2002 di forum media sosial Australia.

Kemudian kata ini juga mulai ngetop ketika banyak pemimpin negara di dunia menampilkan foto selfienya di akun Twitter, seperti foto Selfie Presiden Susilo Yudhoyono bersama Perdana Menteri Malaysia Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak yang lagi ramai dibicarakan di Twitter. 

Dalam berita di Kompas.com juga diinformasikan bahwa pihak pengelola Kamus Oxford mengatakan bahwa penggunaan kata 'selfie' telah meningkat sbesar 17.000 persen dalam 12 bulan terakhir. Dan menurut laporan dari Bangkok Post (19 November 2013) kata "selfie" telah menjadi kata ke 2013 dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris paling terkenal tersebut.

Jadi sekarang BBIM Friends juga bisa menggunakan kata "selfie " ini dalam kegiatan memotret diri sendiri atau ketika mengunggahnya ke media sosial.

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Reading : A Burlesque Biography - Mark Twain

This story was written  by Mark Twain (1835 - 1910), one of famous author in the world.  This short story I share to help BBIM Friends exercise the capability in reading and understanding the whole story well. Read carefully and note a new vocabulary you find. The point in reading is not how you understand and know every word you read, but emphasis in how you understand the main ideas the author told is his story. I do not give you list of new vocabulary and meaning in Bahasa Indonesia, I just make a bold on a word seems a new one. Just push yourself to open your dictionary and get an eureka. Enjoy your reading.
This short story was taken from classicshort.com

Two or three persons having at different times intimated that if I would write an autobiography they would read it when they got leisure, I yield at last to this frenzied public demand and herewith tender my history.

Ours is a noble house, and stretches a long way back into antiquity. The earliest ancestor the Twains have any record of was a friend of the family by the name of Higgins. This was in the eleventh century, when our people were living in Aberdeen, county of Cork, England. Why it is that our long line has ever since borne the maternal name except when one of them now and then took a playful refuge in an alias to avert foolishness, instead of Higgins, is a mystery which none of us has ever felt much desire to stir. It is a kind of vague, pretty romance, and we leave it alone. All the old families do that way.

Arthour Twain was a man of considerable note--a solicitor on the highway in William Rufus's time. At about the age of thirty he went to one of those fine old English places of resort called Newgate, to see about something, and never returned again. While there he died suddenly.

Augustus Twain seems to have made something of a stir about the year 1160. He was as full of fun as he could be, and used to take his old saber and sharpen it up, and get in a convenient place on a dark night, and stick it through people as they went by, to see them jump. He was a born humorist. But he got to going too far with it; and the first time he was found stripping one of these parties, the authorities removed one end of him, and put it up on a nice high place on Temple Bar, where it could contemplate the people and have a good time. He never liked any situation so much or stuck to it so long.

Then for the next two hundred years the family tree shows a succession of soldiers--noble, high-spirited fellows, who always went into battle singing, right behind the army, and always went out a-whooping, right ahead of it.

This is a scathing rebuke to old dead Froissart's poor witticism that our family tree never had but one limb to it, and that that one stuck out at right angles, and bore fruit winter and summer.

Early in the fifteenth century we have Beau Twain, called "the Scholar." He wrote a beautiful, beautiful hand. And he could imitate anybody's hand so closely that it was enough to make a person laugh his head off to see it. He had infinite sport with his talent. But by and by he took a contract to break stone for a road, and the roughness of the work spoiled his hand. Still, he enjoyed life all the time he was in the stone business, which, with inconsiderable intervals, was some forty-two years. In fact, he died in harness. During all those long years he gave such satisfaction that he never was through with one contract a week till the government gave him another. He was a perfect pet. And he was always a favorite with his fellow-artists, and was a conspicuous member of their benevolent secret society, called the Chain Gang. He always wore his hair short, had a preference for striped clothes, and died lamented by the government. He was a sore loss to his country. For he was so regular.

Some years later we have the illustrious John Morgan Twain. He came over to this country with Columbus in 1492 as a passenger. He appears to have been of a crusty, uncomfortable disposition. He complained of the food all the way over, and was always threatening to go ashore unless there was a change. He wanted fresh shad. Hardly a day passed over his head that he did not go idling about the ship with his nose in the air, sneering about the commander, and saying he did not believe Columbus knew where he was going to or had ever been there before. The memorable cry of "Land ho!" thrilled every heart in the ship but his. He gazed awhile through a piece of smoked glass at the penciled line lying on the distant water, and then said: "Land be hanged--it's a raft!"

When this questionable passenger came on board the ship, be brought nothing with him but an old newspaper containing a handkerchief marked "B. G.," one cotton sock marked "L. W. C.," one woolen one marked "D. F.," and a night-shirt marked "O. M. R." And yet during the voyage he worried more about his "trunk," and gave himself more airs about it, than all the rest of the passengers put together. If the ship was "down by the head," and would not steer, he would go and move his "trunk" further aft, and then watch the effect. If the ship was "by the stern," he would suggest to Columbus to detail some men to "shift that baggage." In storms he had to be gagged, because his wailings about his "trunk" made it impossible for the men to hear the orders. The man does not appear to have been openly charged with any gravely unbecoming thing, but it is noted in the ship's log as a "curious circumstance" that albeit he brought his baggage on board the ship in a newspaper, he took it ashore in four trunks, a queensware crate, and a couple of champagne baskets. But when he came back insinuating, in an insolent, swaggering way, that some of this things were missing, and was going to search the other passengers' baggage, it was too much, and they threw him overboard. They watched long and wonderingly for him to come up, but not even a bubble rose on the quietly ebbing tide. But while every one was most absorbed in gazing over the side, and the interest was momentarily increasing, it was observed with consternation that the vessel was adrift and the anchor-cable hanging limp from the bow. Then in the ship's dimmed and ancient log we find this quaint note:

"In time it was discouvered yt ye troblesome passenger hadde gone downe and got ye anchor, and toke ye same and solde it to ye dam sauvages from ye interior, saying yt he hadde founde it, ye sonne of a ghun!"
Yet this ancestor had good and noble instincts, and it is with pride that we call to mind the fact that he was the first white person who ever interested himself in the work of elevating and civilizing our Indians. He built a commodious jail and put up a gallows, and to his dying day he claimed with satisfaction that he had had a more restraining and elevating influence on the Indians than any other reformer that ever labored among them. At this point the chronicle becomes less frank and chatty, and closes abruptly by saying that the old voyager went to see his gallows perform on the first white man ever hanged in America, and while there received injuries which terminated in his death.

The great-grandson of the "Reformer" flourished in sixteen hundred and something, and was known in our annals as "the old Admiral," though in history he had other titles. He was long in command of fleets of swift vessels, well armed and manned, and did great service in hurrying up merchantmen. Vessels which he followed and kept his eagle eye on, always made good fair time across the ocean. But if a ship still loitered in spite of all he could do, his indignation would grow till he could contain himself no longer-- and then he would take that ship home where he lived and keep it there carefully, expecting the owners to come for it, but they never did. And he would try to get the idleness and sloth out of the sailors of that ship by compelling them to take invigorating exercise and a bath. He called it "walking a plank." All the pupils liked it. At any rate, they never found any fault with it after trying it. When the owners were late coming for their ships, the Admiral always burned them, so that the insurance money should not be lost. At last this fine old tar was cut down in the fullness of his years and honors. And to her dying day, his poor heart-broken widow believed that if he had been cut down fifteen minutes sooner he might have been resuscitated.

Charles Henry Twain lived during the latter part of the seventeenth century, and was a zealous and distinguished missionary. He converted sixteen thousand South Sea islanders, and taught them that a dog-tooth necklace and a pair of spectacles was not enough clothing to come to divine service in. His poor flock loved him very, very dearly; and when his funeral was over, they got up in a body and came out of the restaurant with tears in their eyes, and saying, one to another, that he was a good tender missionary, and they wished they had some more of him.

Pah-go-to-wah-wah-pukketekeewis Mighty-Hunter-with-a-Hog-Eye-Twain adorned the middle of the eighteenth century, and aided General Braddock with all his heart to resist the oppressor Washington. It was this ancestor who fired seventeen times at our Washington from behind a tree. So far the beautiful romantic narrative in the moral story-books is correct; but when that narrative goes on to say that at the seventeenth round the awe-stricken savage said solemnly that that man was being reserved by the Great Spirit for some mighty mission, and he dared not lift his sacrilegious rifle against him again, the narrative seriously impairs the integrity of history. What he did say was:

It ain't no hic no use. 'At man's so drunk he can't stan' still long enough for a man to hit him. I hic I can't 'ford to fool away any more am'nition on him."

That was why he stopped at the seventeenth round, and it was a good, plain, matter-of-fact reason, too, and one that easily commends itself to us by the eloquent, persuasive flavor of probability there is about it.

I also enjoyed the story-book narrative, but I felt a marring misgiving that every Indian at Braddock's Defeat who fired at a soldier a couple of times two easily grows to seventeen in a century, and missed him, jumped to the conclusion that the Great Spirit was reserving that soldier for some grand mission; and so I somehow feared that the only reason why Washington's case is remembered and the others forgotten is, that in his the prophecy came true, and in that of the others it didn't. There are not books enough on earth to contain the record of the prophecies Indians and other unauthorized parties have made; but one may carry in his overcoat pockets the record of all the prophecies that have been fulfilled.

I will remark here, in passing, that certain ancestors of mine are so thoroughly well-known in history by their aliases, that I have not felt it to be worth while to dwell upon them, or even mention them in the order of their birth. Among these may be mentioned Richard Brinsley Twain, alias Guy Fawkes; John Wentworth Twain, alias Sixteen-String Jack; William Hogarth Twain, alias Jack Sheppard; Ananias Twain, alias Baron Munchausen; John George Twain, alias Captain Kydd; and then there are George Francis Twain, Tom Pepper, Nebuchadnezzar, and Baalam's Ass--they all belong to our family, but to a branch of it somewhat distinctly removed from the honorable direct line--in fact, a collateral branch, whose members chiefly differ from the ancient stock in that, in order to acquire the notoriety we have always yearned and hungered for, they have got into a low way of going to jail instead of getting hanged.

It is not well, when writing an autobiography, to follow your ancestry down too close to your own time--it is safest to speak only vaguely of your great-grandfather, and then skip from there to yourself, which I now do.

I was born without teeth--and there Richard III. had the advantage of me; but I was born without a humpback, likewise, and there I had the advantage of him. My parents were neither very poor nor conspicuously honest.

But now a thought occurs to me. My own history would really seem so tame contrasted with that of my ancestors, that it is simply wisdom to leave it unwritten until I am hanged. If some other biographies I have read had stopped with the ancestry until a like event occurred, it would have been a felicitous thing for the reading public. How does it strike you?

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Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

English conversation 13 : Amazing Spiderman conversation

Peter Parker : I mean, what I do sometimes requires violence, but I'm not a violent man, I'm really not. But I just....

Mary Jane : You wanted to deck her.

Peter : Twice. And I hate feeling that way. Why is it that people feel the need to take whatever little authority they have and shove it down your throat? And the smaller the authority, the bigger the shove.

Aunt May : It offends you, doesn't it?

Peter : Yeah, it does.

Aunt May : Why?

Peter : I...What do you mean, why?

Aunt May : Why does it offend you?

Peter : Shouldn't it?

Aunt May : If a lion broke out of its cage at the zoo, and bit you, it would hurt, sure, and you'd be upset, of course. But would you be offended?

Peter : No, of course not.

Aunt May : Why?

Peter : Because that's the nature of a lion.

Aunt May : Some people by nature are kind and charitable. You could say that some people, including at least one person at this table, are by their nature heroes. Ben always reminded me that we each contain all the nobler and meaner aspects of humanity, but some get a bigger dose than others of one thing or another.
Some are petty, and mean, and uncharitable. That's their nature. You can hope for better, even try to lead them to be and you may even succeed. But when they behave badly, it's right to be upset by it, or hurt by it, but you can be no more offended by it than you can when a lion bites you.”

― J. Michael Straczynski (Amazing Spider-man Ultimate Collection Volume 2)

Glossary :

You wanted to deck her : Kamu ingin mencuranginya.
Shove : mendorong 
Offend : menyinggung
Nobler : kuat
Meaner : jahat
Charitable : dermawan
Petty : picik

Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Pelajaran 104 : Penggunaan Superlatif dalam Comparative degree

Superlatif digunakan untuk memberikan perbandingan atas sesuatu dibandingkan dengan beberapa hal yang lain.

Makna perbandingan superlatif :

  • Paling (besar, tinggi, kuat, banyak, dll) diekspresikan dengan The ......est / The most......
  • Paling (kecil, sedikit) diekspresikan dengan The least.....yang merupakan kebalikan dari The most.
Bentuk perbandingan superlatif :

1. Superlative + in a place (tempat) > in the class, in the room, in the world, in the school, etc
  • Yari is the tallest boy in this class.
  • Pasirian is the smallest city in the world.
  • Billy is the most dilligent worker in the corporation.
2. Superlative + Adjective clause
  • Nelson Mandela is the most inspiring leader that I have ever known.
  • The exercise on mountain was the hardest session they had ever had along the competition.
  • "What a wonderful world" by Louis Amstrong is the most beautiful song I have ever heard.
3. Superlative + of all
  • There are three cars, but the blue one is the best of all.
  • One of the five girls is the most beautiful of all.
  • He has a lot of books, but this one is the thicker of all.
Untuk ekspresi The least digunakan dengan cara yang sama dengan contoh di atas.
  • The final exams in English was the least difficult of all.
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Rabu, 27 November 2013

English Conversation 12 : Conversation in an office

Berikut ini adalah Percakapan antara Allan dan Widya di sebuah kantor. Baca baik-baik percakapan di bawah ini dan perhatikan kata-kata yang BBM Friends belum mengerti dan beri tanda. Pada percakapan di bawah ini terdapat sepuluh kesalahan, coba cari 10 kesalahan tersebut. Untuk melihat jawaban, saya akan menuliskannya di kolom komentar.

Widya: Hi there.

Allan: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working long?

Widya: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department.

Allan: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. I'm in Sales.

Widya: Sales sounds like an interesting job.

Allan: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.

Widya: Yes, it's been a really hectic week.

Allan: Tell me about it! At least it's supposing to be a nice weekend.

Widya: Yes, I've listened that they are calling for blue skies.

Allan: Say, did you happen to catch the game last night?

Widya: No, I was working late.

Allan: It was a great game. We won in overtime.

Widya: Actually, I don't even know who was playing. I don't really follow sports.

Allan: The Chiefs! Do you think they're going to make it to the finals this year?

Widya: I'm not sure. Well, I better get back to my desk.

Allan: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?

Widya: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture.

Allan: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It might be snow.

Widya: I know. I can't believe all of this cold weather. Hopefully Spring will come soon.

Allan: I can't wait until Spring.

Widya: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then!

Vocabulary :

hectic : full of busy actvity

Silakan pelajari dan temukan 10 hal yang perlu dikoreksi pada percakapan di atas. Jawaban bisa dilihat di kolom komentar.
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Sabtu, 23 November 2013

Pelajaran 103 : Penggunaan komparatif ganda

Dalam pelajaran 102 BBIM Friends telah mengetahui tentang penggunaan komparatif berulang di mana ada dua  komparatif yang digunakan dalam satu kalimat.

Selain komparatif berulang di dalam Bahasa Inggris juga ditemui adanya penggunaan komparatif ganda. Ganda maksudnya 2 kalimat komparatif yang berbeda dan digunakan bersama -sama seperti dalam contoh di bawah ini :

  • The harder you exercise, the easier it will be done
Perhatikan di kalimat di atas ada 2 komparatif yaitu The harder dan The easier.  Keduanya diawali dengan The. Bagian yang ke dua dalam kalimat (the easier) merupakan hasil / result dari bagian pertama (the harder). Memberikan makna  : If you exercise harder, the result will be that you will do something easier.

Beberapa contoh yang lain :
  • The longer we walk, the more energy we will need.
  • The more I tought about it, the more confused I became.
  • The colder the weather, the better I enjoy it.
Pelajari dan coba bandingkan penggunannya dengan komparatif berulang
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Kamis, 21 November 2013

Hubungan atara waktu tidur anak dan kecerdasan

Tidur sering dihubungkan dengan kemalasan, tetapi ternyata tidur yang termanajemeni dengan baik dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan anak. Berikut ini sebuah artikel yang saya kutip langsung dari blognya Tyas Melani - Science is fun. Semoga setelah membaca artikel ini para orang tua dapat menerapkan sebuah sleep management yang baik buat anak-anak.

Sebuah studi oleh University College London menemukan bahwa anak-anak yang pergi tidur pada waktu yang sama setiap hari, yang jauh lebih cerdas daripada teman mereka yang pergi ke tempat tidur pada waktu yang berbeda setiap malam. Dalam penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam Journal of Epidemiologi dan Kesehatan Masyarakat, melibatkan lebih dari 11.000 anak-anak berusia 3,5 dan 7 tahun dan menemukan bahwa anak-anak yang tidur pada waktu yang berbeda skor lebih rendah pada tes kognitif dalam membaca, matematika dan keterampilan ruang. Dalam hal ini, para ahli menunjukkan bahwa tidur sangat penting untuk plastisitas otak, yaitu kemampuan otak untuk mengubah dan memodifikasi struktur, yang memungkinkan kita untuk belajar. Selain itu, survei juga membuktikan bahwa ada efek tidur kumulatif. Anak-anak yang tidak pernah pergi ke tempat tidur pada saat yang sama mendapat skor signifikan lebih rendah daripada yang lain dalam semua tes. Lama waktu tidur yang ideal buat anak Meskipun jumlah tidur anak-anak bervariasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan energi mereka, National Sleep Foundation di Amerika Serikat merekomendasikan sebagai lama waktu tidur anak berikut untuk masing-masing kelompok usia: • Bayi: Antara 12 dan 18 jam. • 1-3 tahun: 12 sampai 14 jam. • Anak-anak prasekolah: Antara 11 dan 13 jam. • Dari usia 5-10 tahun: 10 sampai 11 jam. • Remaja: Antara jam 08.05 jam dan jam 09.25.
Tubuh kita memang unik, dirancang dengan sebuah sistem yang luar biasa. Tetapi kabar baiknya bahwa sistem yang diciptakan adalah sebuah sistem yang sangat fleksibel. Kalau tidak begitu, manusia tidak akan bertahan hidup di bumi hingga hari ini. Pengetahuan tentang tubuh, otak dan sebagainya sebaiknya diterapkan bukan sebagai sebuah aturan yang kaku, tetapi sebagai sebuah proses pengembangan untuk kemampuan mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Karena salah satu tugas hidup yang dianugerahkan kepada kita adalah untuk meningkatkan kehidupan itu sendiri. Mengeksplorasi kehidupan dari berbagai segi akan membuat hidup lebih bermakna dan menarik.

Selamat belajar dan tidurlah dengan baik.
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Minggu, 17 November 2013

Pelajaran 102 : Penggunaan komparatif secara berulang

Dalam bahasa Indonesia BBIM Friends tentunya sering mendapati dan menggunakan kalimat dengan bentuk seperti ini :
  • Farid berusaha terpilih sebagai pemain Manchester United, ia berlatih lebih keras dan lebih keras lagi.
  • Para pengembang sedang berlomba untuk membangun gedung yang lebih tinggi dan lebih tinggi lagi.
Perhatikan di kalimat di atas terjadi pengulangan kalimat perbandingan : Lebih keras dan lebih tinggi.

Apa  makna bentuk kalimat ini ? Mari BBIM Friends perhatikan penggunaan komparatif berulang di kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris di bawah ini :
  • The weather is getting  colder and colder.
  • The lake near my house is becoming wider and wider.
  • The audience likes her performance and get more and more enthusiastic.
Pengulangan komparatif seperti bentuk di atas memberikan makna bahwa sesuatu atau keadaan secara gradual menjadi lebih (besar, tinggi, cepat, kecil, rumit, lambat dsb) dalam intensitas, kualitas, dan

Kesalahan umum yang biasa terjadi pada pengguna kalimat ini adalah sebagai berikut :

Colder and colder menjadi Cold and colder.(X)
Wider and wider menjadi Wide and wider.(X)

Selamat mempelajari.
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Jumat, 15 November 2013

Penyiram tanaman dengan ponsel karya anak SD di Gresik

Artikel kali ini tidak berhubungan langsung dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, tapi masih berhubungan dengan dunia pendidikan. Semoga menginspirasi BBIM Friends untuk terus belajar dan berkarya.  Sumber artikel dari @ viva.co.id penulisnya Tommy / Adi Wibowo dari Vivanews.

Fatima Ezzat dan Aurumita anak siswa kelas 5 SD di Sekolah Dasar Muhamadyah Manyar, Gresik Jawa Timur berhasil menciptakan alat penyiram tanaman dengan ponsel.

Konsep alat ini bernama Autopot dengan memanfaatkan ponsel bekas untuk menyiram tanaman dari manapun dan kapan saja. Prinsipnya adalah memindahkan energi kimia menjadi energi listrik dan gerak.

Prosesnya, ketika ponsel ditelpon, maka getaran dari ponsel akan mengubah energi gerak menjadi listrik dan selanjutnya akan memberi tekanan pada air.

Ide ini bermula ketika Aurumita yang hobby menanam sering bepergian ke luar kota, dan dia kerap lupa menyiram tanaman. Akhirnya muncul ide untuk bisa menyiram tanaman dari jarak jauh.

Komponennya terdiri dari ponsel bekas, botol bekas, kabel, kartu SIM Card, sedotan, dinamo, selotip, baterai, komponen listrik, dan penyemprot air dari mobil bekas.

Dengan alat ini kini siapapun bisa menyiram tanaman di rumah dari lokasi manapun. Kalau BBIM Friends mau memodifikasi alat ini sebagai alat untuk membangunkan dari tidur di pagi hari (morning call) juga bisa, tapi airnya jangan banyak-banyak :)

Dan Autopot karya Fatima dan Aurumita ini juga menjadi salah satu finalis dari kategori National Young Inventor Award (NYIA) di kompetisi ilmiah yang digelar oleh Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) pada 14-15 November 2013

Berikut ini video cara pembuatannya :

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Rabu, 13 November 2013

Pelajaran 101 : Penggunaan more + kata benda (Noun)

Dalam tabel bentuk-bentuk komparatif dan superlatif pada pelajaran 100 kita mengetahui bentuk komparatif sebagai berikut :

More + adjektiva 
  • More clever
  • More friendly
  • More important
More + adverb 
  • More carefully
  • More slowly
Selain bentuk di atas More juga digunakan dalam bentuk More + Noun seperti dalam bentuk di bawah ini:
  • Would you like some more milk in tea ?
  • I hope there are more people to come in auction.
  • We need more students to learn English.
Ket : Bentuk more + noun seperti di atas, yang digunakan tanpa Than memiliki arti "lebih banyak lagi / penambahan".
  • There are more cars in Jakarta than there are in Malang.
  • An athlete need more nutrition than an officer.
  • A village has more plant than a city
Ket :  Dalam bentuk di atas, more + noun diikuti dengan than karena digunakan untuk membuat perbandingan / komparatif antara dua hal yang berbeda.
  • We have walked about 20 km, do you want more ?
  • Do you have enough ice cream, or would you like some more ?
  • We have worked more than 10 hours, hope we still have power to do more.
Ket : More digunakan dengan bentuk seperti contoh di atas jika hal yang dimaksud sudah jelas / sama dengan kalimat sebelumnya, dalam contoh pertama, MORE yang dimaksud adalah walk / berjalan.

Study this lesson and know more ! :)
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Kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam kata-kata romantis

Kalimat-kalimat yang saya posting di bawah ini adalah beberapa kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam kata-kata romantis, baik dalam surat cinta, percakapan romantis atau sebuah novel romantis. Kalau kamu lihat susunannya dari atas ke bawah akan seperti membentuk sebuah frasa yang satu kesatuan. Kamu juga bisa menyusunnya kembali menjadi sebuah frasa yang berbeda dengan makna dan kisah yang berbeda. Coba saja dan buat frasamu sendiri.

Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Indonesia

Won’t you hang around ?

Kamu tidak ingin jalan-jalan ?

Just reach for the stars

Gapailah bintang-bintang

And aim of my heart

Dan bidik hatiku

Look into my eyes and I’ll own you

Tataplah mataku dan aku akan memilikimu

Don’t be a drag, just be a queen

Jangan jadi orang yang membosankan, jadilah ratu

Just love yourself and you are set

Cintai saja dirimu dan kau akan siap

I’m all for you

Aku sepenuhnya untukmu

I spend my days in longing

Aku habiskan hari-hari dalam kerinduan

Kiss me ‘til you are drunk

Cium aku sampai kau mabuk

You made the world stand still

Kau membuat dunia terpaku

You’ll come out of nowhere and into my life

Kau akan muncul entah dari mana dan datang ke dalam hidupku

And I know that we can be so amazing

Dan aku tahu bahwa kita bisa sangat menakjubkan

But you just can’t find the words

Tapi kau tidak dapat menemukan kata-katanya

And now I can see every possibility

Dan sekarang aku dapat melihat setiap kemungkinan

And I’ll work to work it out

Dan aku berusaha untuk mewujudkannya

Swear you hit me like a vision

Kau benar-benar mengguncangku seperti sebuah impian yang menakjubkan

I get hungry for love and thirsty for life

Aku merasa lapar akan cinta dan haus akan hidup

I’m taking a mental picture of you now

Aku membayangkan dirimu saat ini

And I’ll know you

Dan aku akan mengenalmu

Why haven’t you seen it ?

Mengapa kau belum menyadarinya ?

I’m on the right track baby

Aku berada di jalur yang benar , sayang

Cause God makes no mistakes to my life

Karena Tuhan tidak membuat kesalahan di hidupku

I hold it in my hands

Aku menggenggamnya dalam tanganku

I said love, love, love, love

Aku berkata cinta, cinta, cinta, cinta

And, baby, your love is gonna change me

Dan , sayang cintamu akan mengubahku

In love and in war

Dalam cinta dan perang

This is how it starts

Beginilah permulaannya

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Minggu, 10 November 2013

Heroes Speech

This conversation is taken from Spiderman 2 scene. Uploaded on youtube.com. Listen carefully and get the wisdom.

" I believe there´s a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strenght, makes us noble and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the things we want the most. Even our dreams."
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Senin, 04 November 2013

Segera terbit E-Book Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mandiri

Untuk memudahkan para pembelajar bahasa Inggris di blog ini yang ingin mengakses pelajaran dan artikel secara offline, maka saya sediakan E-Book nya dalam format PDF. Tentunya tidak gratis, tetapi tidak mahal :) sekedar sebagai pengganti tenaga mengetik dan mikir saya.

E-Book yang saya tawarkan terbagi atas tiga ebook sebagai berikut :

E-book 1 berisi postingan dengan topik Grammar mulai pelajaran 1-00

 E-book 2 berisi posting Artikel, vocabulary, dan conversation untuk posting s/d tanggal 3 November 2013 sebagai bahan penambah wawasan. Topik listening tidak saya masukkan karena format PDF belum mendukung audio / video (atau saya yang belum tahu caranya :)

E-book 3 berisi daftar Irregular Verbs

Update blog akan tetap saya lakukan dan akan saya kembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan belajar bahasa Inggris pembaca semuanya. Saya berharap e-book ini akan lebih memudahkan karena bisa sewaktu-waktu dibaca tanpa harus online. Bagi yang leluasa beronline bisa tetap mengikuti dari blog ini. Thanks sebelumnya :)

Untuk pemesanan kunjungi blog informasi e-book berikut ini :

Selamat belajar dan salam sukses !
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Minggu, 03 November 2013

Pelajaran 100 : Tabel perubahan adverb / adjective pada komparatif / superlatif

Berikut ini adalah tabel daftar perubahan adverb / adjective pada perbandingan komparatif / superlatif. Pelajari jenis kata dan perubahannya dan cobalah untuk mencari adverb / adjective lainnya dalam masing-masing tipe. Tidak perlu dihafalkan, cukup sering digunakan dan Anda akan mendapatkan feeling secara otomatis untuk setiap perubahan dalam setiap tipe.

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Jumat, 01 November 2013

Latihan soal untuk pelajaran 99

Kalimat-kalimat komparatif dan superlatif di bawah ini mengandung beberapa kesalahan. Coba analisa dan perbaiki kesalahan tersebut :

  • Jakarta is largest city in Indonesia.
  • Mr. Joko speaks the most clearly than Mr. Fandy.
  • Madiun is large than Lumajang.
  • Lupita's knife was as sharper from Killian's.
  • I like Indonesia food more better than European food.
  • Old shoes are usually more comfortable that new shoes.
  • English is the most widely used language from the world.
  • My brother is younger in the family.
  • Java island is the larger from Singapore in land area.
  • My jacket is  more comfortable as my shoes.
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Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Bahasa Klingon

Kalian tentunya sudah pernah nonton film dengan genre fiksi ilmiah  Star Trek, yang mengisahkan perjalanan kapal induk masa depan USS Enterprise milik federasi bumi. Kapal ini bertugas menjelajah seluruh alam semesta untuk menemukan bentuk-bentuk kehidupan baru. Dengan teknologi warpnya kapal canggih ini mampu melakukan perjalanan antar bintang dengan sebuah lompatan di kecepatan cahaya. Dengan tag line "Where No Man Has Gone Before" perjalanan USS enterprise dalam film Star Trek telah menjadi sebuah epic yang sama menariknya dengan kisah Ramayana atau Mahabharata.

Dalam seri yang paling original, awak kapal Star Trek terdiri dari Kapten James T. Kirk, Commander Spock (dari planet Vulcan), Dr Leonard McCoy, Letnan Uhura, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott (Scotty), Letnan Hiraku Sulu, Yeoman Janice Rand, dan Ensign Pavel Chekov. Dari berbagai karakter inilah terjalin sebuah cerita mengenai perjalanan pesawat federasi USS Enterprise NCC 1701 dengan segala sistem yang ada di dalamnya (manajemen, leadership, teamwork, problem solving dsb) serta petualangan yang dialami.

Dalam Star Trek Next Generation, dikisahkan kapal USS Enterprise telah diperbarui dengan USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D dengan awak yang baru yaitu Kapten Jean -Luc Picard dan teman-temannya. Dalam Star Trek Next generation terdapat seorang awak kapal yang berasal dari planet Klingon yaitu Lieutenant Commander Worf. Ini fotonya :

Hal yang menarik adalah ternyata Bahasa Klingon yang digunakan oleh warga Klingon dalam film Star Trek benar-benar dikerjakan dengan serius dan dibuat menjadi sebuah bahasa yang benar-benar nyata dan siapa pun dapat mempelajarinya untuk digunakan sebagai bahasa komunikasi. Berikut ini bentuk dari abjad Klingon :
Bahkan kini ada sebuah situs yang menamakan dirinya Intitut Bahasa Klingon yang memfasilitasi semua orang yang ingin tahu lebih dalam mengenai bahasa Klingon. Kunjungi situsnya di sini : Institut Bahasa Klingon menarik bukan ? Bisa kamu pelajari untuk kesenangan atau bikin komunitas bahasa Klingon dengan teman-temanmu tapi jangan lupa belajar bahasa Inggris.

Contoh bahasa Klingon :
  • Nama saya Yatoko : YaToko' 'oH pongwIj'e'
  • Saya cinta kamu : qamuSHa'
  • Dia lebih tinggi daripada saya : ghaH woch law' jIH woch puS
  • Hari Sabtu : jaj Soch
Ini kamusnya : Kamus Bahasa Klingon 

Klingon sendiri adalah ras humanoid dari planet Qo'nos. Mereka mengidentifikasi diri sebagai spesies pejuang. Kekaisarannya bersifat militeristik dan berbudaya agresif. Walaupun dalam film Star Trek ada beberapa bangsa dari planet lain seperti Romulan, Vulcan, Borg, Ba'ku dll tetapi hanya bahasa Klingon yang benar-benar dikerjakan dengan serius dan dapat dipelajari sebagai sebuah bahasa.

Tertarik untuk mempelajari Star Trek dan Bahasa Klingon, silakan lanjutkan eksplorasi, Go to Where No Man Has Gone !

Terus belajar dan salam sukses !
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